The .red Monthly February 2019

5 Articles to Promote Thought, Encourage Reflection and Ignite Action

  1. A number of people I know suffer with, or have suffered with depression or anxiety. How people experience, cope and live with the ‘Black Dog’ is different for everyone, but I valued this post from Darren Rowse, on the 11 things that helped him with depression. Thanks Darren for sharing so openly of your personal struggle, and showing there is support available out there. At the end of his post, Darren encourages to pass this on to someone who may need to read it. If this is you, I hope it is of assistance.

  2. Building a workforce of lifelong learners is critical for employers to respond to a changing business environment. McKinsey & Company share in this article that companies must create a learning-for-all culture in which people are encouraged and inspired to continue learning new skills. Proposing that a lifelong-learning mindset consists of seven essential elements – focus on growth, becoming a serial master, stretching, building your personal brand and network, owning your own development journey, discover your ikigai, and staying vital.

  3. Art Petty wants managers to love their work – not for the opportunity to boss people around, but rather for the potential to create inherent in the position. In this Leadership Caffeine post, he sets out five ideas that are like rocket fuel for new (and experienced) managers to succeed.

  4. Experience is truly the best teacher. Wally Bock outlines three habits we need to learn from and get the most out of our experiences – namely capturing, reflecting, and trying. Practicing these three habits will see you learn important lessons faster and better.

  5. Doing some reading on Professional Practice, I discovered some writing from CSU’s Professor Joy Higgs, describing practice in action, within Professional Practice Discourse Marginalia. The following presents the interconnectedness of doing, knowing, being and becoming of professional practitioners:

    I bring my being

    to my practice

    And in my practising

    I am being me

    and I am becoming

    who I will be

    My knowing

    is understanding me

    and my practice

    through critical lenses

    and against the backdrop

    of the knowledge

    and ways of knowing

    that characterise

    my profession,

    my various cultures

    and communities.

    My doing,

    my agency

    and my actions

    arise from

    and in turn create

    my knowing, being

    and becoming.

    And through these four

    I practise

    with others

    and for them

    under their scrutiny

    and my own judgement.

SIA National Health & Safety Conference 2019

I’m excited to be shortlisted to present the preliminary findings of my doctoral research project at the Safety Institute of Australia’s National Health & Safety Conference in Sydney on 22-23 May.

Find out more details and register to attend online. Let me know if you’ll be there as it’s always good to network discover what others are doing during these conferences.