Recent Presentations
Tim has previously been invited to speak at academic and industry professional conferences, as well as being a podcast guest.
A selection of recent conference presentations and speaking topics can be found here.
Tim is available to present keynotes from 30 minutes – 1 hour, and can adapt presentations to meet conference themes, objectives and audiences.
Tim is also available to assist with developing and facilitating workshops.
Please email hello{at} for any inquiries.
Effective Frontline Leader Onboarding
Presenting at the Australian Water Association QWater’24 Conference in Sunshine Coast, QLD. Tim and colleague, Liam D’Arcy, presented an overview of the Downer Supervisor Onboarding program piloted within the ANZ Water business, and being contextualised for the Downer Energy & Utilities business.
Leading with Care for our People to Thrive
Presenting at the Urban Utilities’ One Team Safety Forum in 2023, Tim took participants for a walk down the garden path using a Gardener metaphor to highlight the importance of leading with care. Drawing from his research findings on Authentic Leadership, Tim presented the importance of firstly becoming the ‘Gardener’, ‘Nurturing and Tending the Soil’, ‘Pruning and Weeding’ before being able to ‘Harvest the Fruit’ of positive safety outcomes and performance.
SIA Webinar Series - Reflective Practice
Tim hosted a Webinar on behalf of the Safety Institute of Australia focusing on Reflective Practice - a cornerstone of the Professional Studies Program at the University of Southern Queensland. Tim introduced participants to the role of reflective practice in professional development, provided some examples of reflective practice models and encouraged some strategies for participants to begin to develop their own reflective development practices.
Connecting the Dots - The Power of Networks
Presenting at the inaugural Health and Safety Professionals NZ Conference in Christchurch in 2018, Tim was one of three Australian guests invited to speak on the topic of ‘Connecting the Dots’. Drawing from his experiences, challenges and successes of the Young Safety Professionals Network, Tim spoke to why we should invest in our networks, why we should share and give generously, and encouraged all to reach out and ask for help. This presentation was peppered with real-life stories, Kevin Bacon… and Donuts.
Sliding Doors - The paths of a Young Safety Professional
Presenting at the Safety Institute of Australia’s National Health & Safety Conference in 2018, Tim and the National YSP Network leaders joined together to explore their different paths as young safety professionals in parallel time-lines. In this entertaining and artistic display, the YSP’s shared their experiences, challenges and goals for the future, challenging the audience to reflect on their own experiences and how they can mentor the future of safety leaders.
Workplace learning and research for mid-career professionals: two Australian case studies
At the 2017 Re-imagining Education for Democracy Summit in Springfield, Queensland, Tim presented on behalf of his co-authors, Dr Lee Fergusson and Troy Dux, their case studies relating to workplace learning and research, related to the Professional Studies Program at the University of Southern Queensland.
‘Unpanelled’: using echo chambers for good
A unique conference panel facilitated by Dr Jenny Ostini, Tim participated as an ‘unpanellist’ to discover the expertise embedded within the audience of the conference session, and present these conversations back to the broader group in a more traditional panel setting. This ‘Unpanelled’ session was part of the 2017 Re-imagining Education for Democracy Summit in Springfield, Queensland.
Young Safety Leaders Forum
After founding the Young Safety Professionals Network in 2016, Tim hosted a Young Safety Leaders Forum as part of the Safety Institute of Australia’s National Safety Convention in Sydney, NSW. Tim brought together Loren Murray, Gordon Bedford and Andrew Barrett to form an outstanding panel of speakers to inspire and encourage emerging leaders in the health and safety field.
Safety on Tap Podcast
Tim had the privilege of speaking with Andrew Barrett on his Safety on Tap Podcast, firstly in Ep003 where Tim discussed the importance of reflective practice in our professional development, and then again in Ep023 where Tim joined Andrew in Melbourne about getting out of that ‘Groundhog Day’ feeling.
Discover more of Andrew Barrett’s interviews at