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The .red Monthly August 2018

5 Articles to Promote Thought, Encourage Reflection and Ignite Action

  1. Do you hate planning? This Fast Company post provides a weekly planning method that may help. Over the coming months I’ll be sharing some updates on my daily / weekly planning techniques, which you may find useful (I know my Dad does!).

  2. According to Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer, “the workplace is killing people and nobody cares”. The Stanford graduate school of business interviewed Pfeffer, who provided some insights on his book “Dying for a Paycheck” and the impact that workplaces are having on individual’s health and wellbeing.

  3. Bethany Andell, president of Savage Brands, writes here about the power of a leader who does what they say, probably easier said than done, however Andell reflects that when you lead by example you create a vision of what is possible for others.

  4. Andrea Baker is The HOP Mentor - Human & Organisational Performance (HOP) that is. In this post on Safety Differently, Baker provides some background to this New View Mindset of safety and introduces some concepts (such as learning teams) to help drive a company’s culture.

  5. Here’s a long-read for the month, from the dapper Dr Jason Fox. Fox illustriously shares some hidden forces that are preventing ‘pioneering leaders’ from successfully implementing innovation and change within their organisations. Enjoy Dr Jason Fox’s flair, footnotes and fantastical prose (oh, AND dangerlam’s amazing illustrations!).

Health & Safety Professionals New Zealand Conference

I’m excited to be heading to Christchurch, NZ for the HSPNZ Conference on October 16.

Hosted by Matt Jones from Advanced Safety, I’m looking forward to sharing with other passionate safety leaders from Aotearoa, as well as hearing from the likes of Deanne Boules, Blake Pelling, Stef Cerpa, Melissa Dunstan, and Mark Kidd.

This is gearing up to be a great event. Well done Matt and your team for pulling this all together!