The Year of the Expeditioner

This is my ‘/word page’ - a place to document my intent for the next chapter of the life of


Over the last six years or so, I have been selecting a word for the year – serving as an anchor/reference point for the year. It’s all part of the Choose One Word ‘Ritual of Becoming’ from Dr Jason Fox and The Cleverness, which I have been building on since 2016. My previous guiding words for the year include the Alchemist (2021), Zen Archer (2020), Phoenix (2019) Rogue Scholar (2017) and Warrior (2016).

The Year of the Expeditioner.

The Expeditioner is authentic, curious, and observant. Naturally inquisitive, the Expeditioner can spend a lot of time in their own mind investigating ideas.

The Expeditioner’s curiosity leads them to follow their intellectual interests, as they make sense of complicated problems and concepts. The Expeditioner enjoys creating insights from their discoveries and sharing their findings with those who will listen.


1. Prepare for all Situations.

Actions will flow out of having confidence in your decision. The Alchemist knows that you can study, read, and listen until you turn blue in the face, but there is only one way to learn, and that is through action.

The Alchemist focuses on growth and transformation because it is weaved into the fabric of the World. Through becoming a better version of themselves, the Alchemist creates a ripple effect that benefits everything around them.

“That’s what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”

2. Embrace Discomfort.

The Alchemist has come to understand that there is no point dwelling in the past and letting it define you, nor getting lost and anxious about the future. But in the present moment, you’re in the field of possibility — how an Alchemist engages with the present moment will direct their life.

The Alchemist looks for the silver lining and the good things that happen in their lives each day.

“Because I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man.”

3. The Map is not the Territory.

Maktub means that we must not let fear and most importantly, the fear of failure, to get in the way of our own pursuit of our Personal Legend. For it is written, and what is meant to be, will be. Everything that we do, everyone that we come across, and each lesson learned is a part of the story of the Universe. A story that has been already written. But it is our duty, to contribute to it.

The Alchemist must remember to not let fear get in the way. Any new pursuit requires entering uncharted territory. But with any great risk comes great reward. The experiences gained in pursuing our Personal Legend will make it all worthwhile.

“No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it”


For centuries, Alchemists have used rituals as a way to effect transformation. These patterns and behaviours for the Year of the Alchemist will be infused into my daily rhythms over the course of this year.

Flow - I will incorporate blocks of time dedicated for focused work. For those familiar with Maker vs Manager time, this is my Maker time. I find my mornings are best for, and I will use the Pomodoro Technique to minimise mental fatigue and maintain focus during these periods. I will build focused writing time into my week before work and weekends.

Experimentation - I will be a catalyst for change through experimentation and transformation. I will approach use the new knowledge discovered to bring about change.

Observation - I will embrace curiosity and wonder of the physical world through observation. I will practice gratitude and deep listening techniques into my day to ensure I’m being present with and aware of those and what is around me.


Over the course of this year I intend to form a diverse group of high performing / ambitious / focused individuals to be a peer accountability network. I’m still in the draft thinking of what this will look like, however anticipate that it will start to take shape around the middle of the year.

How you can help

As I’m sure you can appreciate, being in my final year of my doctoral studies, I may have to withdraw from a few social activities in order to focus on finalising my thesis. I will be scheduling time for fun, as this will also be required.

You may see me sporting a fancy pin - a way for me to symbolise the Alchemist. So ask me how I'm going embedding the Alchemist into my daily rhythms. Better yet, share with me your Word and we can journey on this together!

Head over to the Choose One Word ‘Ritual of Becoming’ program and sign up today.

Quotes from “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho